St. Columba's Scottish Country Dance Group
Betsy Hall-Wallace Valentine's Day Dance and Pot-Luck Supper
Sunday, February 16, 2025
1:30 - 6 p.m. Dancing and Pot Luck
Greenbelt Youth Center
Note new location across the parking lot from the Community Center (Map)
99 Centerway, Greenbelt, MD 20770
Music by:
Carrie Ross, flute; Becky Ross, fiddle; and Jane Ziki, piano
Admission: $20
Pint o' Ale is Fain | 32J3 | McMurtry, Devil's Quandary |
The Wellingtonia Reel | 32R3 | Short, 12 SCD |
The Falkirk Lass | 32S3 | Brunken, RSCDS Book 53 |
Follow Me Home | 32J3 | Briscoe, RSCDS Book 37 |
I Met Her in St. Andrews | 32S2 | Ligtmans, Earley |
Mairi's Wedding | 40R3 | Cosh, 22 SCD |
Fair Jenny's Jig | 32J3 | Wallace, Redwood |
Flowers of Edinburgh | 32R3 | RSCDS Book 1 |
Linnea's Strathspey | 32S3 | Wilson, RSCDS Book 47 |
Good Hearted Glasgow | 32J3 | Collins SCD |
The Craven Strathspey | 32S3 | Haynes, Carnforth 1 |
Sleepwalking | 32R3 | Giacoletti, Delaware Valley Gold |
Please bring a dish to share - entrees, sides, salads, desserts are all welcome!
To help keeps fees low, we will hold a small raffle during the dance.
Raffle donations welcome!